Exploring web2.0 in the built environment
An opportunity to develop and shape an event on unconference, BarCamp principles. At the moment this is just a fledgling idea that has bounced around a group of built environment people who use Twitter, blogs, Wikis, iGoogle, Mindmaps, etc, as a means of communication, of sharing and learning. An initial planning meeting was held on 2 July, which generated a mindmap capturing some of the issues below. Help us make this fly.
- Speakers
- Attendees
- Real and virtual through webfeeds and links to virtual worlds
To be decided. Suggestions are early to mid October, possibly somewhere between 10th and 17th October 2008
Venue: London (but open to suggestions) - on the London front, we've had initial conversations with the Building Centre.
One day event, possibly with evening social?
As with other non-conferences the agenda will be set by those wishing to attend, participate and talk.
To kick things off I am suggesting three themes (streams?)
at this stage we are looking for contributions and sponsors, in particular:
- in kind
- venue
- connectivity
- speakers
- food and drink (some events do pizzas and beer - Cloudcamp)
- donations from attendees - what would this be worth to you?
Get Involved
- Forward your thoughts and ideas for location, dates, topics
- Offer support
- Register to speak
- Register to attend
be2camp people
- Martin Brown, fairsnape, and isite blogger, UK. Second Life resident.
- Paul Wilkinson, BIW and ExtranetEvolution.com blogger, UK
- Pam Broviak,GridWorks amd Public Works, LaSalle, Illinois, USA,
- Mel Starrs, Leeds, UK
- Jodie Miners, Australia
- Adrian McEwen, Turin, Italy (at present, but will be in Liverpool, UK by the time of the be2camp)
Comments (6)
Paul Wilkinson said
at 4:22 pm on Jun 17, 2008
At last week's Engineering Club "Cycling Night" event, I asked the Building Centre's Andrew Scoones if they would be interested in hosting an "unconference". Not sure what connectivity they have, but as they have hosted past collaborative IT events, I suspect it would be OK. If a central London venue might be appropriate, do you want me to pursue this further with Andrew?
martin said
at 5:20 pm on Jun 18, 2008
Paul - yes that would be good. I also suggest we put the sponsor invite to the BE / CE collaborative champions, Building and others.
Jodie Miners said
at 7:47 am on Jun 19, 2008
I'm going to be in London from 10 October to 17 October so would love it to be between those dates so I can attend. This is such a great idea and I've got so many ideas for this unconference. I helped organise the last BarCampSydney which was a great success and just attended PubCamp Sydney last night - a Social Media unconference. These things are about getting the community involved and talking (and a lot of drinking too) and sharing ideas. The AEC industries are ripe to take over the world with this Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 stuff and as my background is in both Construction and IT and I'm passionate about all things Web 2.0 this is a fantastic melding of everything I do. My web site is www.jodiem.com.au if you want any more info or want to contact me.
martin said
at 9:21 pm on Jun 19, 2008
If anyone knows how to add RSS feeds into this week please go ahead and set them up - so we can have comments on be2camp fed in from say google alerts.
Paul Wilkinson said
at 5:36 pm on Jun 20, 2008
I've had a crack at adding the RSS feed, based on a Google alert RSS feed for be2camp. Not sure if it's working... yet! Might be worth adding alerts from Summize too
Jodie Miners said
at 9:04 am on Jun 21, 2008
A blog post about this event http://jodiem.wordpress.com/2008/06/21/be2camp-coming-up-in-london-in-october-hopefully/
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